
#4731 by 0xd6e2...2406
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Lapis Philosophorum

"Let him know that man's greatest treasure is to be found within man, and not outside him. From him it goes forth inwardly... whereby that is outwardly brought to pass which he sees with his own eyes. Therefore unless his mind be blinded, he will see, that is, understand, who and of what sort he is inwardly, and by the light of nature he will know himself through outward things." ("Cognoscat hominis in homine thesaurum existere maximum, et non extra ipsum. Ab ipso procedit interius... per quod operatur extrinsecus id, quod oculariter videt. Ergo nisi mente caecus fuerit, videbit (id est) intelliget, quis et qualis sit intrinsecus, luceque naturae seipsum cognoscet per exteriora.") - Gerhard Dorn, Speculativae Philosophiae, as quoted in Aion by C.G. Jung (p.163).
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